The high today is 54 degrees, quite a difference from yesterday. We didn't have any plans for the day which was nice. Steve got home in time to have lunch with us so we ate and just hung out. Later on Steve got out his Legos from when he was growing up. We all had a good time playing with those and it was fun for me to see all the old Legos I use to play with when I was a kid. Peter

has a bunch of his Legos from when he was little too but they are different from the ones I am use to. Javan took a nice long nap and I actually had to go in and wake him up because I didn't want him to sleep so long he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. Later on we all watched Charlie Brown specials together before dinner and retiring to bed. We all wanted to make sure we would have plenty of rest for tomorrow's turkey events.
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