Well last night I ended up staying up and talking with Karen and Lisa until almost two in the morning. I had to get up early again today to meet team and pray and prepare before all the ladies showed up for the new day. The knowledge that not many other women would not have gotten a great night's sleep was a little comforting but I was still so very tired. Somehow I managed to get up and showered and to the suite to meet the team by 7am. We each took turns praying for the day and then quickly set up the breakfast we had. As the sun started to rise over the ocean I was just taken by the beauty of it. I am use to seeing the sun rise over the lake on my way to work and it is one of my favorite things but it had been a while since I had seen one as beautiful as this

mornings. I walked out to the balcony and just stood in awe of God's glory, what a way to start the day! Soon the room was filled with ladies and talk and the day was officially started. The schedule we had set had the ladies doing their quiet time (reading and studying God's Word) starting at 8:30 and then free time from 9:00-12:00. I grabbed my camera and headed out to try and get some ladies in action (from a distance). I got some great shots of women finding peace and some coming to what seemed to be revelations. 12:00 was lunch time and it was delicious. Directly following we headed in to Session Two where Shelly spoke about forgiveness, conviction, and shame. After that session we broke into predetermined (this is so we can meet new people) groups and went through a list of questions the speaker had come up with. Each member of the team was the leader of a group of 8-9 women and I think I had the best group. I knew about half of my ladies and had the pleasure of meeting 4 new ladies.

All of the ladies contributed which was wonderful (but not pressured) and we were so deep in our discussion that we were the last group finished. After our breakout groups we ended with a survey and prayer and then everyone was dismissed. I had a great time and though I missed being able to just go and attend the retreat and relax with no duties, the idea that God may have used me in some small way to bless other ladies and further His kingdom brings me joy beyond expression.

When I finally made it home I was exhausted but my mom had come back with me so she watched the kids while Peter and I went out to nice quiet dinner. He was looking up movies to see too but I told him I wouldn't last that long so we rented one to watch at home instead. I had a great time at the retreat but there is nothing like being home with my best friend and our children.
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