This morning the weather was a lot nicer than it was on Saturday. We took our time getting up and dressed and then headed out the door to pick up Janell and Charlotte again. Bresa was at Grandma's house having a blast so it was just me, Javan, and Abbi again. We got to Janell's around 10:30 and then we all headed over to Chick-fil-a to get some lunch so we didn't have to spend as much in the park. After we were all filled up we made it to Sea World and let Abbi lead the way. The first thing she wanted to do was pet the string rays so we headed that way. After the sting rays we walked over to the underwater viewing of the dolphins. It was feeding time for them so they mostly stayed by the ledge to get fed but a few of them would come take a swim in the deeper water from time to time. Abbi really enjoyed that and Javan and Charlotte watched them intently too. Next we saw manatees, both from above and underwater. We see them all the time at Blue Springs, which is just down the road in our neighborhood, so we weren't as excited about them. On the way out of that exhibit there was an employee with a baby alligator

that she was letting people pet. Abbi was a little timid but since the alligator was so small she stepped up and took a turn. She was very excited to be able to tell people she had pet an alligator! We got to see a lot more animals like penguins, puffins (my favorite), polar bears, turtles, sharks, and many more. I wasn't thinking and didn't bring any cash with me so Aunt Janell treated all the kids to a couple games and bought fish to feed the sea lions.

We all took a turn throwing the fish but on my turn I pulled my arm back to throw and a bird came and stole my fish, oh well. It was pretty funny. My friends, Kelli and Woody, were at the park too so we stopped for a moment and met up with them just to say hi and such. We saw two shows, the Sea Lion and Otter

show and also a Shamu show. Charlotte was very good and sat and watched the whole thing but Javan was not very interested and would rather try to climb the benches and what not. From when we entered the park, Abbi had said she wanted to go the roller-coaster so when we made it over to Shamu's Happy Harbor Abbi and I got in line for the kid roller-coaster. She was very brave while waiting and when it was our turn she climbed right in the car and sat down. When the bar that goes over your lap didn't lock right away she got pretty scared and was almost crying. I told her they wouldn't let us go without it locking but that didn't seem

to satisify her. I tried to take a picture of us together but you can tell she is terrified. Finally the bar locked and then Abbi curled up in as much of a ball as she could and clung to me. I told her she had to sit up a little and actually look out. She didn't loosen her grip but she did look out a little. After the ride she said it was scary but before the day was over she wanted to go on it again. We stayed long enough for it to get dark and then we got to see all the pretty lights but we also almost froze to death. Thankfully, I had brought the kids hats and scarves and gloves so they were bundled a bit. We walked around and looked at

the pretty lights and then we headed out of the park. We stopped at Panera for dinner and got some soup to warm us up. Once we had dropped Janell and Charlotte off at their house we drove over to Grandma's to pick up Bresa. Javan and Abbi were

both long asleep by then so Grandma brought Bresa out to us in the car. Bresa talked to me for a while before she fell asleep and then we all went to bed when we finally made it home.
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