Last week I talked to Tina and she said she had wanted to do a Thanksgiving dinner with us but things got hectic with her family and we planned to go out of town. We talked about it a bit and decided we could get together today when we were all back and things had calmed down a little. I finished up the laundry from our trip this morning and then we were ready to go. We headed over to Tina's a little earlier than we had expected, that never happens. We wanted to be sure to have enough time to hang out with Tina and Noah but still be able to get home in time to get the kids ready for school tomorrow and me ready for work. We got to Tina and Noah's and the boys went off to play computer games while the girls played a couple board games and Tina and I talked. Rena came over around 1:00 and we took a walk with the

girls watched them play outside a bit. Tina had prepared all the food and around 2:00 she started to heat everything up. Dinner was delicious, as expected. We had ham instead of turkey which was a nice change and all her sides were different from what we had at Steve and Heather's house too. We all filled up and then had chocolate peppermint cupcakes for dessert. After being completely stuffed for the second time this week it was time to go back home once again. Thanks Christina and Noah for the awesome Thanksgiving Dinner. As always, the food was wonderful and the company was even better!
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