&t The Taylor Family: Happy Birthday Charlotte!!

Saturday, January 8

Happy Birthday Charlotte!!

Today Charlotte turned two and had a nice party at her house. I told the girls we had to get ready for it and Abbi got all excited and said, "If it's a birthday party there will either be cake or cupcakes!" Maybe my children are a little sugar deprived but it just gives them another reason to get excited about parties. As we drove up you could see the big bounce house set up in the backyard and both the girls got super excited about it. They pretty much walked right out to it when we came in the house and stayed there the entire time. The party was simple and laid back and it was nice to talk to people I hadn't seen in a while. Javan liked bouncing in the house also but also explored the chalk and bubbles and a couple of Charlottes toys that were out. I wasn't sure how he would be since the party started the same time his nap time usually does but he did really well and really only had one melt down that was fairly short lived. Charlotte wanted to like the bounce house but really wasn't sure of it. I got in and jumped with her and she laughed quite a bit but I think she liked getting in and sliding out of the house the best. After some cake and presents Peter and I both jumped in the house too and were surprised at how much of a work it was. We were both pretty tired after that decided it was time to head home. On the way home I called up Tina and asked how her board game party was and she said it was still going on and we should come over. So we headed over to Tina and Noah's house and hung out and talked for a while and then headed home. It was only about 8:30 when we made it home but all the kids were ready to go to bed and Peter and I aren't far off.


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