Yesterday I got a call from my friend Angella who asked if we had ever been to Blue Springs State Park. She wasn't sure where it was and thought we might be close, she had heard there were manatees there. I filled her in about the manatees coming every year because the water is 70 degrees year round, and told her the park was in our neighborhood. Today she headed over so we could all go together.

We brought our lunch with us so we could have a picnic in the park since it was about that time. We were surprised when we had to wait to enter the park because it was full but the wait was only about 10 minutes so it wasn't bad. Once enough people had left we were allowed in and saw that 133 unique manatees had been spotted today. I guess it had been a long time since we had been there and there were a few new things and things that had been changed. Bresa remembered coming before once we got inside but

Abbi said she didn't remember it at all. We went to all the outlooks and saw a bunch of manatees but the spring was really low so there weren't any manatees over by the swimming area where you can get really close. We walked to the end of the Spring and then all the way back up the boardwalk. Angella got lots of pictures and enjoyed seeing the manatees but was disappointed that they weren't closer.

I showed her some of the pictures I had from when the girls were little and they were right in front of us, I suppose we will have to return after it rains a good bit. We also got to see a couple alligators and anhingas, which are always cool. Eventually we headed back to the house because Chris was coming over to hang out. I am glad we got to go to the park, the weather was beautiful and it was so nice to be outside on our last day before school and work starts again.
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