Happy New Year!! This morning we got up and had breakfast at the hotel before loading the car up and saying good bye to Bill and Lisa who were heading home. Peter and I weren't ready to head back just yet so we went down the fort and got tickets to enter Castillo de San Marcos, the large fort

there that was built in the 1600s. Peter hadn't been to St. Augustine since his 4th grade field trip and I had never been inside the fort although I had visited the city a couple of times in the last few years. We got in the fort and up to the top in perfect time to see the reenactment of the canon firing. It was pretty cool to see all the steps they had to take and hear all the commands (in Spanish), the canon was really loud (go figure) and the history and information about it was really cool. After that we walked around the fort some more and went in each room before heading out to see more shops. I wasn't thinking and didn't bring my camera with me so I did the best I could with my iPhone. After we left St. Augustine we drove up to Jacksonville where my grandparents live. My grandfather, Pepere, had recently had a stroke and was moved to an assisted living home. Things aren't going too well with him and we aren't sure how much longer he will be around so we decided to take a trip before it was too late. I had told Janell

our plans and she and Wyatt drove up and we met in the parking lot before we went in. We stayed awhile talking with Pepere about how things were going for each of us and who was doing what. After we left we stopped to get some ice cream before we all headed back to Winter Park to pick up the kids. It was good to see Pepere and also sad to know that he won't always be there; I was glad we got to see him now before he got any worse or before it was too late altogether. Overall I think we started 2011 off right; enjoying each other's company and spending time with family then getting our children back and doing our daily devotions before bed. We are truly blessed.
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