After another long day in the heat it was finally time to pack up and go home. I had come to mom's house on Wednesday night with all the children and we had stayed there until this evening. I don't think I have ever been so happy to be home. My feet are so tired and my back hurts. Sitting outside (even in the shade) I am all sweaty and tired. Around 4 I told mom I needed to start cleaning up so I could get home. I have to work tomorrow and be at the station by 6am. This morning when I got up early once again I was hesitant about setting up the sale again. It is so much work and so hot. We still had a ton of stuff and most of it was

easy set up so there really was no reason beyond laziness not to do it one more day. I must say though, I am extremely glad we did! Today was my best day of the three and just about all the big stuff I really was concerned with selling went. Being the last day I made a lot of deals but none that would leave me feeling ripped off or insulted. Mom did really well too but this was her least profitable day. In the end I was ready to go and started to pack things up and clean the house inside where all the children spent their time. I helped mom pack up some of the sale things but she told me to go home before we were all done. I didn't argue too much with that, I was totally exhausted. Peter had come by earlier in the day so he stayed a little longer with the girls and I took Javan home. We showered and put on jammies and Peter picked up some dinner on the way home. I am so tired and so very happy to be able to sleep in my own bed again and with my hubby, I really hate sleeping alone.
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