Finally, after weeks of anticipation and excitement, the day to leave for our vacation was finally here! This year we decided to stay close to home so there wasn't as much travel involved and we would have more time to enjoy our vacation spot. All day yesterday and this morning I had been

shopping to pick up last minute things and making sure the house was spotless for our return. After making a run to Sam's Club it was time to load up the car and head out. I found a really good price on a condo in New Smyrna Beach and the original plan was to just stay 4-5 nights but the price for the whole week was only a few dollars more. Since I had the time to take off from work there was really no reason not to take advantage we booked it for 7 nights. Peter and I really aren't big beach people. Peter burns really easy and I grew up going to the beach ALL the time so there was really no excitement to it anymore. The kids however LOVE the beach and would be happy living right there on the sand. The excitement and joy that they get from our trips to the beach are enough to make Peter and I want to return over and over again. Another person who loves the beach like no other is my mom. Since she rarely gets to go anymore and her birthday was just two days ago we decided to take her along so she could have some sun too. After we loaded up Oscar we drove the short 35 or so minutes it is to the condo and unpacked.

The children explored the two story condo and found all the good hiding places and picked out the beds they wanted while I unloaded the coolers into the fridge and Daddy attempted to gain internet access unsuccessfully. Oh well. A short while later our friends Bill and Brenda showed up, they were over this way visiting Brenda's mom so they stopped by for some company. Since it was already after 6 we decided to forgo the beach today and headed to our heated pool in the complex after eating some grilled hot dogs for dinner. Both of the girls impressed us with how well they could swim. I knew they both had a basic understanding but because it is usually the three children and just the one me when we go to a pool I can't really work with them on getting stronger and building a good technique. Since Daddy was here today and also Grandma and Bill and Brenda, there was plenty of adults to keep an eye on each child as the girls got tips and tricks

from Daddy on how to swim evenly and come up for a breath and then go back under. At the end of the night they were jumping in the deep end of the pool and swimming underwater all the way to the other side of the pool (taking a breath or two on the way). Both Daddy and I were thoroughly impressed and proud of our little girls. After we dried off and changed we headed to my favorite ice cream place, Banana Split Republic, where we all enjoyed a delicious cold treat. We said goodbye to Bill and Brenda and are headed to sleep back at the condo.
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