Tonight the kids were supposed to wear their Halloween costumes to church for groups. Javan didn't have to wear his but I had just borrowed it from the Sanford Fire Department (the PD and FD share a building) today and was just trying it on him to see the fit (way too big) and he refused to take it off. No problem he can dress up too. He looks really cute in it and the hat and boots fit well enough. The jacket is really big on him but the arms stay up so he can use his hands and I just won't use the pants (which is fine because he would probably get way too hot). The girls were excited about showing off their costumes a bit early. Bresa decided she wanted to be a Ninja this year. Not sure

where she got that idea but it was easy enough to come up with an outfit for it. We just dressed her all in black and then Daddy designed the hood and face part and cut it out of some black material we picked up and I sewed it all together. It came our really great! Abbi wanted to be a bride and wear a dress she already had in her dress-up clothes. Doesn't get much easier than that. She had a real veil that our friend gave her after her wedding and pretty silver shoes to go with it. She even had some fake flowers to use as a

bouquet and I wrapped some white ribbon around the stems and she was done. I think this years Halloween may be the easiest and cheapest yet. There are some festivals this weekend so maybe the kids can use their costumes a few more times before the actually Halloween night. I will be taking more and better pictures of them when we have more time to get everything just right and aren't rushing out the door.
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