This morning started early (as expected) and when we couldn't ignore the children's loud voices any longer we gave up trying to sleep a little longer and got up. There were lots of presents under the tree and the girls couldn't wait to open them all. Of course, we made them eat breakfast before we sat down to see what Santa brought. I think they forgot to chew and just swallowed their breakfast whole because they were ready in no time. Daddy was in charge of passing out the presents and one by one the pile got smaller. The children were all excited about their new toys and cool things (except the socks and underwear) and Daddy and I saved the best for last. We had Javan open his big present from us which was a Thomas the Train wooden track set, complete with multiple buildings, at least one of each engine from the show, and dozens of tracks. He couldn't wait to get the bins I had put them in open so he could play with them. Then it was the girls turn to open their gift.

The other night Bresa saw it wrapped up in my room and asked, "Mommy, have you wrapped my present yet?" I said, "yes, it's right next to you" she says, "but that says its for me and Abbi." Me-"I know, you have to share it." She was not at all happy about this idea but I encouraged her that when she found out what it was she be happy to share it and she would be happy she didn't have to share it with Javan. When the girls started opening their joint gift they found the top part of the box filled with sea shells, binoculars, travel shampoo and conditioner, sun screen lotion, and a Disney Cruise brochure. Of course they pulled the brochure out without even glancing at it and said they think they are going to spend the night at the beach. I told them they were wrong. Underneath those things the girls found two white pillowcases (one for each of them) filled with a couple new outfits, new jammies, flip-flops, swimsuit covers, disposable cameras, travel toothbrushes, their Disney pin lanyards (to which they said we were going to a "Disney Beach") and at the very bottom they each found a long postcard with a picture of the Disney Dream Cruise ship on it.

At that point they figured out what we were doing. Peter then picked up the brochure they threw aside and said "See, that's what this book is all about." I am glad they finally know, we have been planning this trip for months now and it's been hard keeping it a secret because I am so excited about it.
After we cleaned up a little bit we watched Shrek 2 together and had some leftover Publix sub for lunch. After the movie we got ready to head to Grandma's house for dinner and a few more presents. We got to Grandma's around 3 and hung out with Steve and Heather until dinner was ready. The kids all played together nicely and then we ate a wonderful ham dinner prepared by Jim. My youngest brother, Brian, was there too which was nice because he works a lot. He did have to work today but he got off early enough to have dinner with us. After everyone had finished eating we got together to open more presents. Grandma and Papa had bought the grandchildren a few gifts and Steve passed them out. Javan got a cool motorized train and tracks to keep at Grandma's house. I helped him put it together and had as much fun playing with it as he did. The older kids got these zhuzhu pet things with accessories so they went crazy playing with that

in the kitchen on the tile floor. Today is also Jim's birthday so my mom had made him a special birthday cake for dessert which we all partook in after the gifts were opened. It wasn't real late but Peter and I were really tired from only getting a few hours of sleep last night so we decided to pack up the kids and go home. We had a great time with my family and the kids enjoyed a very nice Christmas. I hope everyone else had a wonderful day too!!
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