&t The Taylor Family: Zipping around

Saturday, March 24

Zipping around

Peter has been asking me for a while what I wanted to do for my birthday and I really didn't know. All I knew is that I wanted it to be something big and exciting because it was my 30th and I wanted it to be really memorable. One day I came home and pulled up a link on Peter's computer and said, "I want to do this". He got super excited and the plans were made.
This morning we got up and had breakfast at Chick-fil-a and then drove over to Florida Eco Safari in St. Cloud to go zip-lining. This is the biggest and tallest (60' high) course in FL with the longest single zip line of 682'. When we got there we signed our waiver and then waited for our ride out to the course. They take you in groups so we were with three other adults and then half of a girl scout troop that was camping out there.
We rode through the woods a bit and passed lots of wild life: cows, llamas, bald eagles, horses, and alligators and their babies. We arrived on the site and then we had to gear up. It was interested strapping everything on and tightening it all it was snug.
After waiting around for a while it was finally time to head out. We walked over to a tower and walked up 7 flights of stairs to the top. The guide decided that Peter and I would go first and the girl scouts last. He gave us a quick safety lecture and directions and then we were ready to go. Peter went first and it was pretty scary but he made it safely to the other side. Next was me and I was pretty shakey and frightened which surprised me, I
was not expecting that. It was scary to look straight down with nothing between you and ground except 60' of air. The guide hooked me up and then told me I could go. I was supposed to just pick up my feet and let gravity take me but it was really scary. I think what saved me was that the other half of the girl scouts had gone in the group before us so I figured, "if 12 year old girl scouts can do it so can I". I picked up my feet and I was off!
It was a ton of fun and it got easier each platform we went to. I think there were 9 zips altogether and a couple bridges and a spiral staircase you had to climb on one platform. The weather was perfect (though the wind did rock some of the taller towers which added to my fright) and not too hot. It took us about 3.5 hours to get through the entire course and when we landed we were ready to go again. We probably would have hung out and watched the rest of the group go but we had more plans for the day and needed to get going.


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