&t The Taylor Family: Bird Watching

Thursday, November 14

Bird Watching

I came downstairs and found all the children looking out the window at something. Upon closer observation I realized they were actually watching Goose who was watching two doves pick at the bird seed outside. I had bought a bird feeder several weeks ago
with a shepherd's hook in hopes to attract birds to the backyard. I put the hook up in front of the window that Goose always sits at and looks out but no birds even came near it. Eventually I took the feeder off the hook and just placed it on the concrete slab outside our sliding glass door. A few days after that we noticed something had knocked the feeder over so I went out and picked it back up. A few hours after that it was knocked over again. It's too heavy for the wind to blow it over so we know something had to come and do it but we hadn't seen anything. I guess the birds and squirrels are getting more gutsy because today they were right up at the door pecking at the seeds and Goose wanted to jump through the glass to get to them. It was pretty entertaining for all of us.


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