I had my second ultrasound today and my first appointment with my new High Risk OB. He was really great and I am happy that we will be working with him. He has the most experience in my area of delivering multiples. He said that he has delivered over 400 sets of triplets successfully so that makes me happy. At the ultrasound we (Peter and I) got to see all three little dumplings doing great. They were so much bigger than last time, just four weeks ago. They had lots of energy and we had a great time watching them do little jumps and such. I was so happy to see that they are all doing great and there are no problems so far. My Dr actually told me that I need to eat lots of fatty foods like, Cream cheese, Butter, and Ice Cream. He said because I am so small and because I can't eat much because the babies don't let me get much food in there before I am full I need to eat lots of fatty things. He said he would be the only Dr to ever tell me that. It was so funny, he is really cool. Unfortunately he said that at 20 weeks I will be on complete bedrest, I am so not looking forward to that. Especially since my birthday is the following week. Oh well I know that I have lots of friends who will come and visit me when I am not aloud to do anything else and they will keep me company. Here in the picture you can see all three little babies. The one on the left is the non identical and then the two on the right are the twins. The one on the bottom has his back to us so you can't really see his arms and legs but you can clearly tell there is a third baby there.

Wow! Congratulations! That is a beautiful sight. I am amazed at how much you have done since getting pregnant considering how tiring it is. But you have been so fortunate in having such great & healthy pregnancies. May this one be even better! God bless you & Peter, Brye & Abbi & of course these three little miracles.
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