&t The Taylor Family: Sooo Buttons

Tuesday, February 20

Sooo Buttons

When I graduated from high school my Dad and Judy gave me a three piece luggage set that I have use numerous times over the years. It is a simple black set so in order for me to identify it easier at the airports and when I am traveling I embroidered this Eeyore on the smallest piece and a different Eeyore on the largest piece. I have yet to embroider the medium piece since I tend to use the largest and smallest most often. It has been great when we just get off the plane and want to get out of the airport quick, we don't have to scrutinize every black bag that goes by. Of course now when Peter leaves for his trips he has Eeyores on his luggage, I don't know what the other guys think but Peter doesn't mind. Personally I think it's cute, I just love Eeyore (if you couldn't tell).


At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute! You are sooo talented!


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