A trip to the hospital
Last night while we were at Peter's Aunt and Uncle's house I noticed that I had started to bleed. I immediately called my Dr and of course had to wait to be called back but it didn't take too long. I told him the whole situation and he told me that because I was far from his hospital I could either go to the nearest ER or go straight to bed and then come in first thing in the morning. Well we were about an hour and a half away from home so I decided to be safe and go to the hospital. I was really concerned for the babies and didn't want to wait another 12 hours before making sure everything was alright. We got to the hospital and had to wait for about a half hour before being called back and then they took blood and samples and did an exam and finally an ultrasound. In the end everything looked normal but there was no reason as far as they could tell that would cause the bleeding. The ER dr was nice but annoying, he really wasn't helpful and basically told me before he did anything that there was nothing they could do for me there. He said because I still early in the pregnancy that it is probably just a sign that I will miscarry. After the ultrasound though I didn't feel like I was at any threat so I wasn't very concerned. All the babies were jumping around as always and we found out the baby that isn't a twin is a boy! Also, he kicked me for the first time during the ultrasound so it was great to finally feel him in there. This morning I went to my Dr first thing and they did all the measurements and ultrasounds all over again. Once again we saw all three jumping away and being very active. After much coaxing we finally got one of the identical twins to reveal that she is a girl, meaning of course that the other twin is a girl! Everything looked perfectly normal but my DR told me that I had an infection and that could have caused the bleeding but it was no risk to the babies or the pregnancy just as long as I took the antibiotics I was prescribed. We went home after picking up the girls at my mom's house and then I took a really long nap and I have an ongoing headache that doesn't want to leave. I have just been taking it easy and Peter has taken great care of me so I that helps take any stress off. I think I am off to lie back down.
So glad that you & the babies are ok. I know how unsettling that whole scenario can be. You have a great husband Chellee (as you of course already know!)which is the greatest comfort. Keep taking such good care of each other & be well!
Oh my goodness!! How scary!! I'm so glad to hear that you and the babies are OK. How exciting to hear that there are two liitle girls and a little boy in there :)
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