Visiting Family
Peter and I have been talking about getting together with his Aunt and Uncle for some time now but for whatever reason we never made the arrange-
ments. Peter's Uncle John called and asked if we would like to meet them for lunch and then a visit at their house this week. Of course we said yes and though we thought they lived much farther they actually only live about an hour and half away. From our house that is just a little farther than most places we travel daily. We drove to Mimi's Cafe near their town and had lunch with his Uncle John, Aunt Polly, and cousin Nicole. It was so great to see them again, we hadn't meet up since Christmas of 05 so it had been too long. Peter's Aunt Polly and I write emails and occasionally Peter talks to John on the phone but nothing compares to meeting in person. We had a great lunch and then went back to their house to talk and catch up. Brye and Abbi had a great time playing with all the Valentines stickies that go on the window and Polly also gave them goody bags with stuffed animals and necklaces and bracelets. It was so great to see them all again and we will definitely have to get together much sooner than last time. We had to leave unexpectedly but we had a wonderful time and really enjoyed their company. Thanks so much for having us over, we really had a great time!
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