&t The Taylor Family: And finally, my training put to good use!

Monday, March 19

And finally, my training put to good use!

Well, today I signed a lease on a retail space in DeBary that will soon house Chellee Guitars Repair and Custom Guitar Shop! This is extremely exciting for us. I now can begin to build the company I've been dreaming about for several years now. It's a fairly quaint space that requires a wee bit of TLC, but should be open in a couple of weeks. It's right on 17-92 just south of Highbanks - a location that will hopefully get a bit of exposure for the locals and isn't a million miles from home either. I'm sure I'll be busy for a while getting it up to snuff and hopefully won't have much of a breather once the doors are open. I'll let you all know when it is ready for visitors.

- Peter


At 1:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for you guys!

Best Wishes!


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