A, B, C
When I go to the Dr's and they take measurements and heartbeat rates and all the label the babies A B and C. Baby C is the boy that is not a twin, then the twins that share a placenta (the girls) are A and B. Every time I have been to the Dr's we can see Babies B and C clearly with plenty of room around them but Baby A is always tight and squished in her spot. I made a comment to the nurse today and she checked it a bit more clearly. Turns out that Baby A is smaller than the other two and though her measurements are acceptable at this point a few of them are close to bordering too small. When they measure the fluid in the sacs of each of the babies they consider anywhere from 2-8 safe. Well Baby A's fluid was only 3.1 and Baby B's was 7.5. Normally those would both be alright but because they share a placenta the dr is concerned that B is getting more bloodflow than A and therefore could potentially harm both of them.

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