Sorry I have been slacking on the blog lately. I just know that bedrest is approaching so I have been taking advantage of my freedom while I still can. Yesterday (Saturday), Peter and Brye and I went to a Geocaching event in Lakeland with two other cachers. We had a great time all day. The event was just to meet other cachers and talk about caching and have some food. No cleaning up this time. On the way we picked up an earth cache which is a cache that takes you to a location that has some significance.

We went to the Green Swamp and learned about the four rivers that flowed through the area. There wasn't actually anything physical to find so there was no hunting or bushwhacking involved. We had to gather some information and take a couple pics to prove we visited and get our smiley face. My mom watched Abbi during the day so Brye got all our attention, she loves that.
Today (Sunday), Peter and I were suppose to meet Greig and Cindy for lunch but Greig's nephew turned out to be sick with Chicken Pox so rather than risking me getting sick or the getting the babies sick we decided we will meet up next week. Cindy is only in town until tomorrow so we still caught up with her for a bit. Later we went to Kent and Jake's house and had dinner with them and baby Kendrah. I forgot my camera so I have no pictures to post of all the fun the girls had together. Thanks Kent and Jake for dinner and a good time!!
Tomorrow, I have a dr's appointment. I don't know but I think I will probably be facing bed rest really soon. I guess we will find out soon enough!
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