Yesterday Abbi was running in the house (we don't encourage that) and I didn't see what happened but she started crying out in pain. I ran over to her and she told me her foot hurt her but she was crying so hard it was difficult to understand what she was saying. I thought maybe she hit her head when she fell but when I asked her she said no. Eventually she calmed down enough to show me where it hurt and I massaged her hip, knee, toes, and foot to find the source of the pain. I tried to get her to stand on it but she wouldn't and just cried. I carried her to my bed and tried to figure out where on her foot it hurt. Soon she calmed down and stopped crying but when she went to get off the bed and walk she started whining again. It was after 5 and our Pediatrician was closed so I couldn't call them to see what to do. Peter came home after I called him and we decided to wait a little bit to see if she got any better. We had to go to the store and run a couple errands so we put her shoes on her and carried her to the car.

When we got home she would walk on her foot but only using the ball of her heal and not putting any pressure on the rest of her foot. When she would take a step she would say "ouch" and then after a few steps she would sit down and not walk at all. I called my friend, Rena, who is in med school to be a pediatrician and she said that we should wait and see if it gets worse. This morning Abbi was still walking with a limp and when we put pressure on her foot she told us it hurts. She wasn't crying about it or saying ouch when she walked but she still wasn't walking normal. I called the Pediatrician this morning to see what they thought and the nurse told me that we should wait a couple more days to see if it improves. Rena called me back and said she spoke with other people who were a bit further along than her and they told her the same thing. Because Abbi is so young she would heal really fast if something were wrong and also lots of times they won't even do x-rays on children her age because in a week they will be healed. We didn't see any swelling or bruising and nothing that looks obviously wrong. The nurse told me to just keep her foot elevated and put ice on it, so today is a day of rest and movie watching. Abbi has been real good about keeping the ice on her foot and she hasn't tried to get up at all. I don't usually let them watch TV or movies at all so she probably welcomes this special day. We will keep this up for a few more days until we are sure she is all better.
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