This morning I had to go in for a one hour GTT. This is a test they do on pregnant women to check for gestational diabetes. They also use this test in longer forms to check for diabetes and hypoglycemia in people who aren't pregnant. I had the 4hr test done before and that is when I found out I was Hypoglycemic. The tests are really long and boring but this one today was only an hour so I just brought my book with me and it wasn't so bad.

What they do is make you drink this nasty sugar drink within five minutes and then an hour from when you finish they draw blood to see how your body reacted to the sudden increase in sugar. I won't know my results for a few days but hopefully everything comes back normal. There is a serious increase in the possibility of gestational diabetes when you are pregnant with twins and even more so when you are pregnant with triplets, it has to do with all the extra hormones your body produces during pregnancy. I will let you know how everything works out when I get the results. If they are abnormal I will have to return for the 3 hour GTT, ick.
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