Us Taylors sure had a full Easter Day. In the morning before the girls got their pretty dresses on they wore bunny robes to keep them warm. Brye said she was the Easter Bunny and was going to pass out eggs to everyone. We finally got dressed and the girls looked so pretty in their special dresses. They loved the dresses and didn't want to stop dancing around in them when I tried them on them at the store. Brye was really excited to be able to wear hers again. I went to four different stores looking for ribbon that matched both their dresses and finally found some so I could make their socks pretty and Abbi's hat match her dress. Also I had ribbon for their hair too. We met Peter's mom for lunch in Orlando on our way to my sister, Janell's house. Peter's mom gave the girls little baskets with bubbles and a baton in them, they both really liked the baton.

When we got to Aunt Janell and Uncle Wyatt's house Grandma, Papa, and Uncle Brian were already there. The girls gave everyone a hug and then we were off for an egg hunt in the backyard. There were eggs with B's and eggs with A's on them so the girls knew which ones to find for themselves. Brye went quick and picked all hers up in no time but she wanted more after she had already found all hers.

Abbi had a great time and got so excited when she would find one, she would always hold it up and yell out. It was really cute.
After they were all found we went inside where the girls opened them all up to see what treasures were inside.

Once that was finished, we went inside to color eggs and came up with lots of pretty colors. Abbi liked to drop the eggs into the cup but Brye liked to make the eggs two different colors. They had a great time seeing the results when we pulled them out of the cups with the pretty colors on them.

While the eggs dried off the girls went to open Easter baskets.

Uncle Wyatt and Aunt Janell got each of the girls cool buckets filled with goodies. They played with everything as they pulled each thing out and had a great time discovering each new toy. There seemed to be something of everything in there. As you can see a couple things Abbi got was a pretty necklace and pretty tiara that has lights that blink, she loves that stuff.
After they opened all the things in their buckets they got their big baskets from the Easter Bunny (Grandma). Each basket was filled with lots of good stuff and the girls went crazy pulling everything out. They really had a great time.

After all the goodies had been explored the girls helped Grandma make an Easter Bunny cake. Abbi helped put the frosting on (and eat the whiskers) and Brye made a smile and eyes with jelly beans with the help of Aunt Janell. In the end the bunny was great but first we had to eat dinner. Janell and Wyatt made a huge ham and we all had sandwiches with sides that my mom had brought (I brought eggs and the cake necessities).

Dinner was great and the cake was great too. On the way home we stopped at Chris' house and the girls played with him and Miss Kim while Mommy rested and Daddy talked. When we finally got home both the girls were sleeping and Peter and I were ready to also. It was a great Easter and the girls had a ton of fun. Thanks Aunt Janell and Uncle Wyatt and Grandma and Papa for all the goodies!!
I brought in the rest of the Bunny cake to my office today. Everyone said to tell the girls "Great Job! and Thanks!"
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