Well after three full days of hard work, Judy finished up the backsplash today. She finished putting up all the tile yesterday and came back this morning to do all the grout. It was quite a messy job but when it was all finished up the kitchen looked beautiful.

I cleaned up the counters and put my things back on there and the room looks so different! I just love the new look and am so happy we finally got the tile backsplash I have wanted for so so long! Now we just need to get those granite countertops in (okay so I guess I may have to wait a while for that).

Judy did such a great job and the tile looks better than I could have ever imagined! The color in the small tiles really stands out next to all my cobalt blue pieces. After Judy finished the kitchen she even went and fixed a few tiles in our master bathroom. It's so great knowing people who know how to do these things. Thanks Dad and Judy I absolutely LOVE my new kitchen!!
It looks beautiful! Good for you! And I also want to say that I got a beautifully decorated envelope in the mail yesterday and love my pictures & frames. I also got a great work of art from Brye that is hanging on my fridge. Thank you all so much. I really do like your backsplash so much. Judy did a wonderful job on it. Love, Aunt Julie
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