Today my Dad and Judy came over to put up tile for our backsplash in the kitchen.

My Dad pulled off our old backsplash and then Judy stayed and worked on the tile all day. She got most of one wall finished but we are putting up a design in the empty space so it is going to take a bit longer. When the old backsplash was pulled off it took parts of the wall too so Judy had to patch it and let it dry. She is coming back tomorrow to finish putting up the tile and then plans on grouting it all on Thursday. Even though there is quite a bit to be done still, the kitchen looks so different already. I love how it looks so far and I know once it is finished it will look so much better still. This picture was taken at the beginning of the job after the backsplash was pulled off but before the tile started going up.
On Sunday, while Peter and I were painting, our next door neighbor Gary, came over and talked to us for a while. Gary is a great neighbor, the kind that everyone dreams about. He fixed both our lawn mowers while we were away because "he was bored." He is always doing things to help us out and offering to do things we never even think of.

He is great with the girls too and Brye just loves him (Abbi is kind of shy). Anyhow he saw we had a stump left over in the back yard from when my brothers came out and cleared our land a couple years ago. Gary told his friend who does stump grinding on the side and got us a really low quote. We said yes and today his friend came over and in about 15 minutes the stump was gone! We are happy that is gone now, after staring at it for so long it's hard to believe it only took a couple days and 15 minutes to be done with it. Our backyard still needs a lot of work but things are definitely starting to fall into place.
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