
My mom still had Brye today so it was just Abbi and I for most the day.

After lunch my mom and I decided to meet at Sanford mall but she was still going to be a little while.

I decided to head over that way but stop at Cold Stone to get a milkshake while we were waiting.

As we were driving up to the store Abbi saw all these colorful alligators and she got so excited, she started yelling out and pointing!

It was really cute. After we parked and started walking up to Cold Stone there was another alligator right in front of the store.

Abbi ran right over and pointed to all the designs on it. She is so cute.

After we got my milk shake, I knew mom was still going to be a little bit so we walked to each alligator and saw all the cool paintings and colors.

I am not sure if we saw every one they had but we sure did see a lot and Abbi was just as excited about the next as she was at the last.

Here are all the pictures I took of her with her new friends.

I only had my phone on me so they aren't the best quality but you can still see her excitement and the pretty designs.

After we met mom and hung out at the mall for a while we went back to get Daddy and then we all went to the movies to see Ratatouille.

When we got to the theater that is right next to Cold Stone Brye got just as excited to see the alligators as Abbi did earlier. Such simple things...
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