Today was our last day of fun before school starts. Tomorrow will be Brye's first day of preschool. She is so big! My Dad and Judy went out of town so they let us borrow their truck while they are gone. We had to go pick it up today so we decided to go swimming while we were

over there. Peter's shop was closed for the day so he came swimming too. We all had a great time and the water was perfect for the hot hot temp-
eratures we are having lately. After swimming the girls and I met my mom at the Sanford mall to find Brye a dress to wear for tomorrow. There were lots of cute clothes and Brye will be the prettiest girl in class!

We walked the rest of the mall and ended up going into the Disney store. Mom got a job at Disney World doing pest control and so she gets a great discount.Mom put a beautiful princess dress on Abbi and she was so cute that my Mom just had to buy it. Abbi wore the dress for the rest of the day and not a person passed us that didn't comment on how pretty Abbi was. Thanks Grandma, we had a great time at the mall and Brye will be so pretty tomorrow!!
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