Friday began Peter and I's weekend away. He still worked at the shop during the day but that night we had tickets to go see Blue Man Group. I had bought the tickets for him as a surprised but

after many (many) unsuccessful guesses he finally guessed correctly when we passed a huge billboard with Blue Man on it off I-4. I can't lie so I had to tell him he was right and though he ruined the surprise he was still excited. I took the girls over to Miss Kim's house where they spent the night on Friday and then I went and ran some errands and then checked into the Portifino Bay Resort at Universal Studios. My sister works there so she got us a great deal on a beautiful room. Thanks Janell!! After getting Peter from work we drove back down to Universal and dropped off our things in our room and

then took the boat over to CityWalk. I had gotten Peter and I really great seats, we were in the "poncho area" because we were so close to the stage that they made us wear ponchos in case we got splashed with paint and such. We didn't get splashed but one of the Blue Men threw me a marshmallow, that was exciting because he only through them out to a couple people, also we got completely covered in streamers and paper that they pulled out of huge rolls. Then the guy sitting next to me got called up on stage and they played his ears (you have to see the show to understand). Also one of the

Blue Men came over and danced with us. It was a really great show and really funny. Afterwards we got to take our picture with a couple of the guys and talked to band. We were already exhausted by the time we got back to the hotel, we ordered room service and tried to rest for the rest of the weekend.
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