I hope everyone had a great Labor Day and didn't have to work at all. Peter and I took the girls over to our friends, Scott and Diane's house for a BBQ. They have two girls who are 9 and 11 and they just loved playing with our girls. They were great babysitters!

It was nice not to have to worry about them and be able to talk to Scott and Diane with minimal interruptions. The girls swam and played in the sprinklers and then swam some more. Only taking breaks to eat food. We had a great lunch with veggies, corn, chicken, sweet potato wedges, and water-
melon. They also don't give their children sugar and we find it so comforting to know that there are other parents like us out there. Scott was Peter's boss when he went flying out every weekend for work.

Scott use to be Peter's customer at Ritz Camera that is how they met originally. We had a really great time at their house and hopefully we will get together again soon. After we left their place we went over to my mom's house to deliver two rabbits that Diane wanted to give away.

My mom just loves animals so she was excited to get a couple rabbits, her bunny just died last month so this was pretty good timing. Later we met Peter's mom at a park and had another BBQ for dinner. The girls had a great time playing with all the toys she brought. Glad to be home now though, it was a very full day.
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