I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! We sure did. Brye started the day at school where they went on a field-trip (her very first). They went to where "grandma's and grandpa's live" and had a pumpkin parade.

I think they just went room to room and trick-or-treated with bags they decorated at school. Brye was very proud of her pile of candy she gathered and she got two packs of M&Ms, her favorite. She decided that since she got two she would share and give one to Abbi, how sweet! After we picked Daddy up from work we went over to my cousin, Laura's, house like we do each year to trick-or-treat with her daughters in her neighborhood.

The neighborhood always starts with a parade and all the kids in costumes walk down the streets, then they start going to each door. Brye and Abbi were both princesses and they were so beautiful! Brye was really into the whole Halloween thing this year and even ran to the next bowl of candy. She was very good about wishing everyone a Happy Halloween and saying Thank you. Abbi would go to the bowls with candy that no one was watching and would proceed to fill up her bucket. Also, when someone tried to put candy in her bucket she would say "no, I do it" and then proceed to put handfuls into her carrier.

I had bought her a larger bucket than the one she carried but she wanted the smaller one so after just a few doors her bucket would be full. I would then have to empty some of it out into the larger bucket that I carried. Abbi really didn't like that, she thought I was stealing her candy and would cry each time I did it. We all had a great time

and after the little ones helped pass out the rest of Laura and Mike's candy we went inside. We didn't stay long after that because Reagan (the cowgirl) had school the next day. After we left we went over to Chris's house to show him and Miss Kim how pretty the girls were in their princess costumes. Little Kendall was so adorable in her lady bug costume and got lots of compliments as we went door to door. We are going to the Disney Halloween thing on Friday night, I am really looking forward to that too. I don't know what we are going to do with all this candy.
They all look so cute!!
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