&t The Taylor Family: Tornados

Sunday, December 16


This morning around 6:00AM Peter and I were awoken by my phone ringing. It was Jim calling to tell me there was severe weather in our area and we needed to take action. Peter went and got the girls from their beds, who seemed somewhat awake. The thunder was pretty loud so they were already pretty scared. A few minutes later my mom called and told us there were tornados coming our way. We turned the news on and sure enough we were directly in the path. We started getting stuff ready to take shelter and I told Peter to run next door to make sure our neighbors were aware. It seemed like forever before he returned and I had cleaned out the closet and moved a few mattresses over the windows and one for our closet door. We took the laptop and a flashlight and gathered into the closet. We left the news on and listened through the door. The power flickered off and when it came back on the TV was switched off. I kept listening for the freight train sound that people say a tornado sounds like but thankfully it never came. Of course I prayed for our safety but I couldn't have cared less for our things. That was a good feeling, I really just wanted my family safe. Peter kept checking the news on the laptop and after about 30 minutes huddled in the closet he said we were probably safe to get out. Everything was calm including the winds which had gotten up to about 100 mph in some places. It was quite an exciting morning to say the least and when we spoke with our neighbors later they said they didn't hear us at all and they were in their closet too.

On a brighter note, we met up with our friend Claire for lunch in Sanford after we went to church. We had a great meal at Panera Bread and she was very happy to see the girls again. We use to see Claire at the Oviedo Mall all the time when we worked at Ritz but that was a long time ago. We have gotten together a few times since and it is always a treat. We email regularly so we are always up to date with what is happening in each others lives. Claire brought gifts for the girls including two beautiful dolls that the girls just loved and carried around everywhere the rest of the day. It was so great seeing you again Claire!! We mustn't wait so long next time!!


At 12:11 PM, Blogger Smith Family said...

So glad to know that you all are safe and sound. I can't even imagine how scary that must be.

At 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you were all safe and sound!
-- Reba


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