About two months ago our ice maker decided to make terrible noises when you tried to get ice out of it using the mechanism on the door. Since I am off for the week I don't

mind taking on a couple projects. Today we emptied out the kitchen freezer into the freezer in the garage and turned off the cooler inside. We let the ice that had built up behind the maker defrost and finally we were able to pull the tray out. Since everything was out of it anyway I decided to go ahead and clean it all out. It actually wasn't bad considering we have lived here for 5 years now, just a few crumbs here and there. There is still some ice in the motor that needs to melt but hopefully once all of that is clear the maker will work without complaining again.
A very Happy Birthday to Heather today!! We love you Heather and wish we could have spent your special day with you. Hope you enjoyed!!!
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