It was that time again, my mom and went through all our crap in an effort to sell it to other people. :) We had said we would never do this again but you know how that goes. I am really not into stuff so I love to throw things out, poor Peter he has to

practically hide things from me. Somehow I had accumulated some much stuff that I just had to get rid of it and with the baby coming we could really use some money to put towards the midwife bills. We took a few van loads of junk over to my moms and on Thursday I went over with Abbi to start prepping things. We spent the night opened the sale on Friday morning. We had quite a busy day for it being Halloween and all and we kept the sale going pretty late in the afternoon because traffic was steady. Abbi was our big helper and went around and put (ABC) stickers on
everything because she was "garage saling" it. Saturday we reopened at 8 and this time we had Bresa and Peter to help. The girls stayed pretty busy

playing in the yard most the day and picking flowers and having a picnic. I was glad they were getting some fresh air since it was wonderful weather out and I really discourage tv watching. By the end of the day we had pretty much gotten rid of all the big stuff so we decided not to open again on Sunday. I was happy because I was beat and I really wanted to go to church and I had a million things to do at home. Once the sale was done and over we had a guy from a local church pick up most of what was left to add to their rummage sale and then I took a few boxes of things home for a free yard sale that our Life Group is going to put on. I am so happy to be rid of everything that went but somehow when I came home I didn't notice any more space. Oh well, there's always next time right?
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