&t The Taylor Family: 2 Weeks

Thursday, January 29

2 Weeks

Today Javan is two weeks old. He is still as cute as ever but he has definitely changed a lot over the last couple of weeks. He stays awake for longer and makes little cooing sounds from time to time. He opens his eyes a lot more whereas in his first couple of days he would just squint and usually only open his right eye. He does well at night usually. He eats around 9:30 and then usually sleeps until 1am or so. Then he wakes up a couple more times at night but just to eat and then go back to sleep. He still only fusses really if he has a tummy-ache and other than that he is pretty content. It's nice to have a baby in the house again but we are learning new things as this is our first boy. Today we went out to the mall to meet my mom. She was having baby withdrawals and it was good for me to get out of the house. Our friend's Machelle and Larry gave us this stroller. It was so convenient and worked great for Abbi and Javan.


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