&t The Taylor Family: First Service

Sunday, January 25

First Service

Today was Javan's very first church service. We didn't attend church last week (he was only three days old) and I really missed it so I was happy to return this week. Peter was playing lead guitar in the worship team band so he definitely had to be there. The girls went to their Sunday classes as usual and I kept Javan with me. I fed him right before the service and then put him in my sling so he was right next to me the whole time but I still had my hands free. He did great. The loud music didn't seem to bother him and when Pastor James was talking during the service Javan stayed nice and quiet the whole time. I kept checking on him to make sure he was alright because he only made a couple tiny noises during the entire sermon. Everyone was so excited to see him. Lots of people had already met him but there were many more that had only heard about his presence. After the service my friend Nancy took him around while I gathered the girls. Javan was perfectly content the whole time and didn't seem to even notice we had left the house. What a sweetie! This picture is from a couple days ago, so cute; Daddy with new son.


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