This morning my Grandfather passed away very unexpectedly. My mom called me this afternoon with the news. I still can't believe that he is gone. I just talked to him this past week and sent him a "real picture" of Javan as he had requested through the mail. He was always sending me silly emails and he knew how I liked to hear about all the wildlife that he gets in his yard,

particularly the bears that take down his bird feeders. He lived up in New York so I didn't get to see him too often. This picture was taken when Bresa was just a couple months old and my mom and I went up to see him in 2003. I find it really hard to believe that I will never get to see him again. He did live a long and full life of 87 years so I can't say that it was cut short, even still this news came at quite a shock to all of us. Grandpa will be very missed.
Sorry to hear that. I hope your family is doing okay. I will be thinking of everyone!
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