I think I was more excited about Halloween this year than the kids were. I really liked their costumes and they were comfortable so there wouldn't be any complaining about itching or shoes that hurt (you know all that fun stuff). We were trying to figure out where we should go for Halloween since it was

a Saturday and we had all day to celebrate. Janell talked about Animal Kingdom and Downtown Disney and my mom said something about the Disney Boardwalk Hotel. In the end though we decided to stay close to home. With Peter not feeling great and Abbi starting to complain a of feeling ill we thought it best not to go too far. My Sergeant told me about a church in Deltona that had a pumpkin patch and turns out they also had a little kid carnival thing in the morning.

The girls got dressed up once again and even Daddy came along this time. The function was being held inside so we even put Javan's Lion costume on (thanks Heather!) and the girls played lots of games and had their face painted and we ate some lunch. The girls got some treats and made some crafts and then we headed home. I had to do the usual weekend stuff so Peter and Javan took a nap and I took the girls to the grocery store. They told me that later they were doing their own little trick or treating in each department and told us to return. We did our shopping and went home and unloaded and then got things together once again to venture out. We went back to Publix and got treats in each department and then we headed over to a park across from our neighborhood.

A local church was putting on a Halloween fair and had lots of fun stuff to do. The girls played all the games and got treats and then we ate dinner. We watched a couple sac races and played a couple more games. There was one game where the girls had to take a bite of a donut that was dangling from a string (a new donut for each player) and it was hilarious how difficult it was. Every time I would think they could get it, the donut would slip away. They both had white powder all over their faces by the end of the game. We played the "Million Dollar Question" which was, "how do you become saved?" While you

stood in line someone would come up to you and ask a bunch of questions and basically tell you that unless you were saved you were going to hell. Well, they got to us and started asking questions to Peter and he answered them all correctly and without pride. I guess that surprised them but then he pointed to Bresa and said, "what is John 3:16?" S

he spouted it off flawlessly and the lady asking questions just about had a heart attack. She went and gathered her coworkers and had Bresa do it again and then she took her away to another booth and showed her off. It was pretty cute but we expected no less really.

After all the games the girls jumped in the bounce house while Daddy pushed Javan on the swing. We were waiting for our friends Bill and Lisa and decided to meet them over by the fire department where they had more games and such put on by the city. We did some more trick or treating at little booths and got cotton candy and snow cones and then the girls did another bounce house. It was about 7:00 and the girls were beat so decided to head home. Bill and Lisa came over and we played on the

Wii a bit and hung out. Bresa said she didn't feel well and had a temperature of 101.4 so I gave her some Motrin and put her to bed. I was thankful that she got to enjoy the day without feeling sick but I do pray that she feels much better in the morning. Abbi, on the other hand, didn't complain of anything all day. I hope your Halloween was as fun and eventful as ours and I hope you have lots of candy to feast on the next couple of weeks!
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