It all started yesterday around 11:30. Javan was standing at the fridge playing with the magnets and must have slipped on the rug when he fell over and hit his head on the ceramic tile. I was standing right next to him at the stove and heard his head hit the floor so I picked him up as he started to cry. I was doing my best to console him and cover him in kisses when he suddenly vomited quite a bit. I

called for Peter and started to clean him up and undress him and Peter made a phone call to the doctor. After Javan was all clean and his pain seemed to pass he seemed happy and normal, playing with his toys, talking, crawling around, so we all decided that he was alright. We kept an eye on him the rest of the day and he was able to be startled and awaken when he was sleeping (which they say is a good sign) so we didn't give it much more thought. However, this morning I went to get him up for the day and he had vomited all in his crib so we made another call to the Dr who suggested we take him to the ER. I sent a text out to a couple of people to spread the word and asked for prayer on the way to the ER. There was no one waiting when we arrived and we only had to wait a few minutes before they called us back into Triage which was really nice. They got the information and took his pulse and temperature and then admitted us back for a CT scan. Peter had stepped out to see if someone could pick up Abbi (Bresa is at Grandma's) because we didn't know how long we were going to be. An RN came and got me to take me to the room where the brain scan was going to be done. The one they used is similar to the one in the picture but I didn't take that shot. I laid Javan down on the bench and put his head in the rest with a towel there to help fit him in.

We had to shield his body with a plated wrap. His arms had to be at his sides and he wasn't supposed to move. He started to cry because he hates having his arms restrained. This is where I just about lost it. I am pretty good at detaching myself from situations (you have to in my job) but this big machine that had it's own room and a glass window like on they do on TV just made it too real. I had to lay on top of Javan and hold him down, I just talked to him and told him he was alright and the machine moved us back into the ring and then the ring moved around Javan. There were red lights that flashed inside which helped distract him from being restrained. He did so well and it probably only took a minute and then we went back to our room to wait for the results. The doctor came in and said everything looked normal and he didn't see reason to be alarmed.

Since Javan was his normal self and not fussy or sleepy or irritated the doctor really didn't feel threatened by the situation. He looked Javan over and didn't see any bruising and didn't seem to think there was any pressure in his brain so he gave our pediatrician a call and released us. When we were leaving the ER our friend was on his way in to meet us and since then we have received several phone calls inquiring about Javan and lots of people telling us that they had been praying. We have such a wonderful support system!! Peter will take Javan to our doctor tomorrow for a follow up but we are pretty sure our little guy is going to be just fine. Praise God!!
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