St. Nick’s night is always Dec 6th, though sometimes we forget and it gets pushed back a couple nights. This year we were actually on the ball and ready for Santa to come fill our shoes with a pre-Christmas present. We got home from the party last night and Bresa immediately took one shoe off and asked if she could put it outside. I told her to get ready for bed and we would do it all together. Once everyone was ready (Javan was in bed) we took our shoes and set them on the doorstep in hopes that Santa would make a stop just for us. This year we had a new addition to our shoe line, and though I don’t know that his shoe is

big enough to hold much, Javan could expect his first Christmas present. This morning I got up and was brushing my teeth when the girls came in and said “good morning.” I knew something was up because they usually go straight to the kitchen for breakfast. I finished up and we went and looked at the shoes to find that Santa had left photo ornaments in each of the kid’s shoes. It looked like he forgot about Daddy and I and raided the pantry where he found mixes for blue berry muffins and brownies that he left for us by our shoes. Maybe that’s his way of saying we are too old for this tradition. Bresa also found a note in her shoe from Santa himself that reminded her to be a good girl and a big helper and to control herself and be respectful. The last few weeks have been hard for Bresa and I am not sure if it’s the anticipation of Christmas or her just trying to test the boundaries but we would hate for her to end up on Santa’s naughty list. I am excited about the ornaments because they hadn’t had any photo ones yet and each year I still pull out my wreath that I made that has a photo of me from Kindergarten. I also have one from when I was just 2 or 3 and I enjoy looking at it on the tree each Christmas.
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