Tonight was the last night of BYBC so there was huge party at the church. They started off with a skit put on by the youth drama team and then the kids were moved outside for food and fun. After we got our bellies stuffed the girls went to each of the games that were set

up and tried to win little prizes and candy. Bresa and Abbi both made sure not to miss a single game and they did really well at them all. After getting their faces painted and playing in the bubbles they got in line for the big water slide where they pretty much stayed the for rest of the evening. Javan loved the bubbles and would pick out one and chase it until it popped then

he would go back to where the bubbles came from and start over. He laughed and squealed the whole time, it was adorable. Just before

the workers were closing up shop the girls got in a quick bounce at the bounce house and then we were headed home. Bresa is already talking about going to VBS next year and all the things she plans on doing. I am glad they enjoyed themselves so much.
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