A very Happy Father's Day to all the Daddies out there! We have the best Daddy here in our house so we were sure to try and make the day special for him. We went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast at Peter's request and then we went to church. Since Peter

had taken the week off from playing on the Worship Team we got to get home early and have more hours in the day for family time. Abbi gave Daddy all her gifts for him and he opened all his cards. Bresa has been at Grandma's all week and we couldn't celebrate Daddy's day without her so we met my mom at the Altamonte Mall to pick Bresa up. Aunt Janell and Uncle Wyatt gave the girls a Moose and Giraffe Build-a-Bear for their birthdays this year but they needed to be stuffed up and get birth certificates still. After Peter played around in the Apple Store (which was probably the only store that actually had people, and lots of them, in it today) we went to get some lunch at the food court. Next the girls got to stuff up their new animals and put hearts in them and then we walked around to a couple stores that Peter wanted to check out. We left the mall and drove over to the movie

theater and got tickets for Alice in Wonderland. Javan didn't enjoy it too much (except for the popcorn) because he really wanted to take a nap but the rest of us thought the movie was cute, even if there were a couple scary parts. When the movie was finished we headed home in the rain and I made Peter one of his favorite meals for dinner, Chicken Alfredo. We played a bit with the kids and then put them to bed and Peter and I watched Indiana Jones (the last one) together. We didn't do anything too exciting, just kind of wandered around and let Peter choose what we would do next.
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