Usually when you hear these words they are in reference to something creepy crawly, soft and furry, or sticky and sugary. Not from my kids though. I took Abbi and Javan to the Debary Farmers Market this morning to look at their produce. I had heard good things so I wanted to check it out for myself.

We walked around to the few stands that were there and we came upon a batch of cucumbers. Abbi immediately got excited and asked, "Mommy, can I have one please?!" Of course I couldn't say no to vegetables, she picked one out and I got some bananas and a bag of carrots all for just $2. Sweet! After our cheeks were all red from walking around in the hot sun we got back in the car to get on with our errands. When we got to the car Abbi asked if she could eat her cucumber but I told her we had to take it home and wash it first. LOL We drove to Target to see about getting some storage bins for Abbi's room. She got a couple Target gift cards for her birthday but the shelves we wanted weren't on sale so we figured we would wait it out. We left Target without buying anything and then headed over to Michael's. When we walked in there was a table set up with lots of cutouts and jewels for kids to use to make Father's Day cards. Abbi sat down and worked really hard while Javan and I watched.

Abbi did an awesome job and I know Daddy will be very impressed tomorrow. After that I booked the room for Bresa's birthday party next month and we walked around and looked at a bunch of the things we could get for the kids to use for the crafts they would make. When we left there we headed to Publix to do the weeks grocery shopping and then headed home for some lunch and naps. Later tonight we will be meeting our friends, Nathan and Colleen, for dinner in Lake Mary and I wanted to make sure the children weren't too cranky for it. A busy day but also very productive.
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