After working all day on cleaning rooms and straightening things it was finally time to get ready for the Christmas Eve services at our church. Peter was playing for both of the services so he had to be at the church early so I got the kids all dressed up and pretty to meet him there closer to the service time.

We made sure to put out cookies and milk for Santa just in case he should come while we were out. I told the girls not to expect too much because it shouldn't be too late when we get home but we figured we should be prepared. The 6:00 service was geared toward kids and was very interactive and loud. They all had a great time and really enjoyed it but the 8:00 candlelight service was my favorite one. Much more mellow and soft and the sermon really spoke to me (as Pastor James' sermons often do). I wasn't sure how the kids would fare staying at the church for that long but Javan fell asleep when I put him in his stroller and Abbi curled up on the pew and laid her head on my lap and the man behind us put his coat over her as a blanket. Bresa came over to my other side and hugged me quietly and I truly felt blessed with what God has given me. After the second service had ended we talked to a few people but then went in one of the back rooms to wait for Daddy. He packed his things and then we were off to look at Christmas lights. I had to run by a friends house to help her out with something so Peter took the kids to a few neighborhoods to enjoy the show of lights. When they returned home I pulled in right behind them and we grabbed all our stuff from the cars and headed inside. Daddy saw it first followed by the children, soon lots of loud giggles and excitement filled the room, apparently,

Santa had come while we were at church and set up all the presents, ate the cookies, drank the milk, and even fed the reindeer the carrot we left for them. The girls immediately started asking if we could open the presents now. I wasn't too sure, I was awfully tired and it was already getting late. Of course I gave in and after we all changed into more comfortable clothes we sat around the tree and took turns opening the gifts. The big gifts that were received were a drum kit for Javan, a new violin for Bresa (she outgrew her old one), and a keyboard for Abbi. A very musical Christmas for us at the Taylor house this year. Abbi really didn't ask for anything for Christmas, she wanted a CD player and a Tinker Bell movie. Well after some searching I found the perfect CD player for her. It is shaped like Cinderella's Carriage and is completely pink, and the best part is it comes with a working

microphone so you can sing along to the music or on your own if you'd like. Peter and I said they should have called it Abbi's CD player and put her picture on the box because this was made just for her. I had to go to store to store and make lots of phone calls (everyone online was sold out) but I finally found a place that had 6 in stock. I didn't waste any time and went straight out to pick it up. That was the gift that Daddy and I gave to Abbi but is also for us because we are hoping we get to hear Abbi singing (something she only does if she thinks we aren't listening). Once everything was opened we were all ready to turn in. It will be nice not having to get up early to open the gifts, I could use a little extra sleep tonight.
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