A lady I know at church, Kathy, found me at one of the Christmas Eve services and told me her family had made something for our family that was in one of the back rooms. She said she couldn't bring it out because she would get mobbed by all the kids and that

the entire thing was completely edible. I didn't know what it could be but after the second service I found a beautiful Gingerbread house with a guitar on the front that said "Chellee Guitars" on it. Too cute! You can't tell in the pictures but there were windows on the side and there was a battery powered candle in the house so the windows lit up, it was really cool. Me and the children have made gingerbread houses in the past but even though they claimed to be edible they were always too gross to actually consume. This house, on the other hand, is really good! Thank you Thomas' for the wonderful and delicious Gingerbread house!!
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