As Halloween nears many churches are putting on Fall Festivals for the children to enjoy. I had a list of ones that were local to us and had planned on taking the children to one yesterday but Peter wanted to take me on a date and I couldn’t refuse such an offer.

So, rather than go out last night we all went out tonight to get in some fun. Peter played at both services this morning so we had to go to an evening festival and we found one that sounded very promising in Daytona. The kids got all dressed up and off we went. There was face painting, trunk-or-treating, bounce houses, balloons, games, crafts, food and

more. I think the children did just about everything. There were a couple inflatable things that had a long line so we skipped a few of those and then a few games that didn’t look too exciting so we skipped those too. The children all had a great time and couldn’t get enough.

They weren’t ready to leave but Peter and I sure were. Since the kids have school tomorrow we knew couldn’t be out too late and Javan didn’t get a nap so we knew we would be battling two-year old crankiness if we were out too long. The festival was a lot of fun and I enjoyed seeing the children get all excited about every little thing.

I am pretty sure I am all festivaled out though for the year. We have our trick-or-treating tomorrow and after that I will be happy to call it quits.
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