&t The Taylor Family: 30th Birthday

Monday, March 26

30th Birthday

Today is my actual Birthday and I turn 30. I have already enjoyed a weekend full of fun and I didn't have anything planned today. I went to work as usual and my friend, Jane, took me out to lunch (my sergeant was supposed to but he got held up so he will tomorrow). Nothing real exciting at work except I got a delivery at the station. I went downstairs to get it and found a beautiful bouquet of all my favorite flowers from my wonderful husband. They smell so good. When I got home I was happy to have a nice quiet evening with my family. My friends Joe and Jana stopped by briefly to drop off a
potted rose bush and cupcakes and ice cream. They are so sweet. Peter made dinner, BBQ chicken, corn and potato salad which was delicious and I was happy to not have to cook. I know a lot of friends who had a bit of a crisis when they hit 30 but I can't say I feel the same. I really feel that I have done a lot in my 30 years and I couldn't really expect anything more. I know and love my God and have been married to my wonderful husband for 11 1/2 years. We have 3 beautiful and intelligent children and I have carried 5 other babies for people who couldn't have any. I have a career that I love and enjoy and a church where we are a part of a large and caring family. God has been very good to me in my 30 years and I am excited to see what else he has in store for me.


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