About a week or week and a half ago we noticed two Southern Leopard Frogs had set up camp in our pond. We also noticed that we didn't seem to have quite as many tadpoles swimming around any longer. It is very possible that these two frogs have chosen our nice quant pond because of it's lovely scenic views as well as the abundant amount of delicious delicacies found within it.

Of course, it is also possible that these two frogs are the reason for the hundreds of tadpoles that are growing in our pond at the moment. Our fish seemed unfazed by the new inhabitants, mostly likely because they are too large to become frog food anytime soon. I don't know how long these visitors plan on hanging around but I suppose they have no real purpose to move on just yet. We should probably name them, that sounds like a good job for the girls. Usually when we look in the pond we will see one or both of the frogs' heads sticking out of the water but as soon as we make a movement they dive under the water until they think it is safe to surface again. On rare occasion, usually at night, we will see one of the frogs up in the garden bed that surrounds the pond but soon enough they will leap into the pond as to not become our prey.
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