Yesterday morning we got up around 6 and got ready to go to the clinic for the transfer. We took all the girls over to my mom's house where they stayed while we were at the doctor's office. When we arrived at the clinic we waited for a little bit and then had we were taken back to a operation recovery room. The nurse asked me which one was coming back with me but I wanted both Shar and Peter to be there.

They made the accommodations for us and then we all dressed in surgical paper gear. I had to wear a gown of course but they both wore these weird suits that made them look like they were selling tires. David, the embryologist, came to discuss the amount of embryos to be placed in me. Out of the four surviving embryos, two were doing really well and thriving. David said that he and Dr. Trolice only recommended putting in one because of the quality. The original plan was to put in three so going down to one seemed like a big deal to us. I would hate to go through the transfer only to find out I have to do it again when the one embryo doesn't take. Shar and I talked about it and we decided to put the two embryos in that were doing the best and keep an eye on the other two to see how they develop and if they are worthy of freezing. Because we put in two embryos the possibility of getting twins is increased from the original 4-5% to about 30%, this was the concern for the doctors. We signed off on the paperwork and then we were moved to the transfer room. They set me all up and then we waited for Dr Trolice. When he came in they adjusted the ultrasound machine and got to work. He did a practice transfer first to make sure that everything would go well and then he got the embryos from David and transferred them into me.

I didn't feel a thing other than the Doppler on my belly (I had to have a full bladder for the procedure so that was uncomfor-
table). Dr Trolice was done in no time and when he was through it was hard to believe we had anticipated this for so long and it wasn't a bigger deal. LOL I had to lay still for 15 minutes and then we were released to go home. I am now on day 2 of 3 for my bedrest followed by 2 days of light activity and no lifting. I miss picking up my Abigail and giving her hugs but she can always come to me and hug me. I did go to dinner last night with my family because it was Brian's 18th birthday but today I am going to just lay around, sounds pretty good.
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