Today was a gorgeous day so we decided to take advantage of it and go to the Central Florida Zoo. Last year for the girls birthday's our friend Kim got the girls a year pass to the zoo. Not only is it good at our zoo but it is

good for a bunch of zoos all over the US. We were going to go to a zoo up in DC but since everyone was sick and it was so cold out we decided to head home instead. We couldn't have picked a better day than today to go to the zoo, the weather was beautiful and there weren't many people around. Another thing Kim did for the girls was get them a plank on the zoo's boardwalk that had their names on it. We had fun finding it and explaining to the girls what it was.

Brye and Abbi both had a great time seeing all the animals and learning all their names. I think Abbi's favorite part was feeding the animals in the petting zoo. She did great at first but then got a little scared but after she watched Brye do it a couple times she toughened up and tried again. It was a lot of fun watching them. Both of the girls were so good all day long. We will definitely be returning soon.

The Brevard County Zoo is suppose to be really nice too and our passes are good there also. I think next month before I am committed to bed-rest my mom and I will take the girls to the Brevard Zoo while Peter has to be working out of state. Thanks Kim, what a great gift, we had so much fun!!
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