My dr called with the results of my 1 hr GTT last week and the levels were a little high so they had me go in for the 3 hr GTT. Well I couldn't get through the whole thing because I got sick and had to be sent home.

The dr didn't want to make me do it again so at my last visit they gave me my own Glucometer so I can check my own blood sugar. 4 times everyday I have to check my blood sugar by pricking my finger and putting a strip with a drop of blood on it into the meter. I had a couple high marks today but all day yesterday and the day before all my readings were fine. I am not really sure what effects the readings, since at lunch and dinner I didn't have any sugar but my readings were the highest they had been from the start, but this morning I had chocolate milk with breakfast and my reading was really low. It really doesn't make sense to me but I guess it does to somebody. After a week I have to fax over my readings and I will see what the dr thinks after that.
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